[Post updated 28/05/19]
So you wanna get visible?
Increasing your visibility online can add tons of value for you, especially if you work online, plan to work online, or want to network with likeminded people on the web. There are lots of approaches you can take to increase your online visibility too, from creating profiles on social media to blogging and more.
Find your “Why”
It’s important to consider WHY you want get visible first though AND then develop a strategy and goals to support that need/desire to be found on the web.
7 ways to increase your online visibility [FREE e-book]

[UPDATE 28/09/19: This e-book has now been retired and replaced with my new INCREASE YOUR ONLINE VISIBILITY – BIG GUIDE]
I recently launched a FREE e-book which I have made available exclusively to the ROCK YOUR DIGITAL Community, via my email list. It’s a 30 page printable PDF which covers off on a range of ways in which you can increase your visibility and is packed with tips and activities for you to work through, to help you develop a strategy that will enable you to get found online.
The e-book doesn’t cover everything you can do though, that wasn’t my intention (and I’m sure that would be quite daunting for those of you who are just starting out!), but it is a good starting point, even if you only implement a few of the 7 ways that are covered in the book.
Who is it for?
The e-book is designed to help solopreneurs, creatives, bloggers and individuals who aspire to rock online, to get the visibility they need, in order to share their knowledge, gifts and super powers with the world.
Depending upon your experience with the web and your purpose, some approaches will appeal more than others; it is not my intention to give you a cookie cutter approach to increasing your visibility, you need to decide what is a good fit for you and your reason for wanting to become more visible. We all have to choose our own adventure, right? But it’s easier when you can be given a head start, to set you off in the right direction and that’s my intention. 🙂
Even if you feel you already have a good understanding of how you can increase your online visibility, the activities will give you an opportunity to reflect upon your existing practice, re-consider your goals and help you implement changes where needed.
Download your copy of my e-book and start working on your online visibility!
You can sign up to receive the free e-book (and more free resources), by joining the ROCK YOUR DIGITAL Community. Sign up at the end of the page, in the footer.
Have you downloaded your copy? I’d love to know how you get on!
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